I've just made a Book Trailer for my first published book:
Star-crossed Rascals. Phew! That took me all day. My first attempt was yesterday, but I had more editing to do, but when I tried to upload my new version, it wouldn't take. I finally figured I could upload it straight from Windows Live Movie Maker toYouTube, though it took nearly an hour that way.
While I was looking for Free Royalty-free music, I came across a wonderful website. Now, I thought that I could just download music for free if it said it was free, but apparently not. I did some research with Google and found information on some websites that said if you use the free music for a product that earns you big money, the owner of the music can later claim some of your profits. Yipes! That's scarey. Let's face it, all us writers are all going to be millionairs, right?
Rick Vanman produces music for people to download for free providing they mention his name on their book trailer, adds or movies. He has quite a selection of free tunes, and many you can purchase. What a great idea. That takes away the worry about getting sued for downloading illegally, 'cause even if you think it's free, it's probaly not. Anyway, you can listen to his video explaining all that, so I'll give you the link, but firstly, I'll give you the link to my Book Trailer. Don't forget, this is my first, so it's not the best.
Now, here is Rick Vanman's Website: